I love taking the time to read the prophesies of Christ and the Christmas story

throughout the month of December. The story never gets simply gets richer!

The depth of God’s Word is eternally speaking into our souls!

This morning I focused on Matthew 2: 1-2 “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of

Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold WISE MEN from the east came to

Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his

star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

Many of you have taken note of the discrepancies between what scripture records

and our traditional Christmas hymns and artwork. But, I’ll confess, I’m not sure how

to “draw” a “wise man”. Do you know? So, I’m giving lots of grace to the artists. But

the hymns...well that is another story. Not all “kings” are wise so to call them “kings”

does stray from the text of scripture. But, lets put that discussion aside for today.

These “wise men” came seeking the “king of the Jews.” They were searching for the

Messiah. In verse 7 we see Herod summoning them SECRETLY to get information.

Then he sent them to Bethlehem to go and search diligently for the child. He then

wanted them to give him the location when they found the child “that I too may

come and worship him.” The account continues....they found the child...”and they fell

down and worshiped him.” They offered their gifts. Then they were warned in a

dream to not return to Herod and departed to return home another way.

So as we meditate on their relentless pursuit of “the king”, we gaze in such a way as

to see ourselves. Do we find ourselves being...

Herod...doing whatever it takes to cover “me” keeping “my kingdom”.

The Sanhedrin...wrapped up in their own course.

The Inhabitants of the land with “status quo”.


Are we like the Wise Men... seeking The KING JESUS with ALL of our heart,

mind, soul and strength?

I will be praying for you throughout this Christmas Season that you are

searching for Him...knowing that Jeremiah 29: 13 “you will find Him, when you search

for Him with all your heart!”

Christmas Blessings,

Barb Nave